Travelbiz E-Zine

Terrific Tenerife

Travelbiz Reporter, Marian Benton, braved the elements to attend the Tenerife Tourism Corporation and Spanish Tourist Office Tenerife Hoteliers visit to Ireland in the Iveagh Garden Hotel last night. The new director of the Spanish Tourist Office in Dublin, Laura Pena, welcomed everyone and Samantha Fulton from the Four Agency in London gave a detailed and enthusiastic presentation on Tenerife and its many offerings.

Amongst the top reasons to visit Tenerife are Mount Teide, Spain’s highest mountain, 2 UNESCO world heritage sites: La Laguna and the National Park of Teide plus UNESCO Biosphere reserve Anaga, 70 km of beaches, 43 protected areas (48% of the island is a conservation area) and 1,500 km of hiking paths. Amongst the unique experiences are stargazing, Europe’s largest lava tube Cueva del Viento (this is a caving experience) and diving on volcanic bottoms.

There is a wide range of outdoor activities include windsurfing, kayaking, 8 golf courses and natural pools due to the island’s volcanic origins. Samantha also mentioned that Tenerife is an island of culture and traditions with ancient towns and villages brimming with charm, buildings of renown plus carnival and traditional pilgrimage.  Last but not least, there is gastronomy and wine with a great variety of restaurants (5 with Michelin stars) serving traditional Canarian and contemporary cuisine. There are 5 wine regions including the delicious Trenzado which they kindly brought for us to sample. Samantha was keen to point out that there are some new luxury high end offerings in hotels and villas in both the north and south of the island.

There was a wide representation of hoteliers ready to meet the trade including:

Flora Plyasunova from Adrian Hotels

Yunes Amar from the Barceló Group

Scott Harman from H10 Hotels

Beatriz Molina Reyes from Hotel Jardin Tecina and Tecina Golf (in La Gomera)

Ernesto Tornero from Dreams Jardin Tropical Resort

Shane Scully from MTS Globe

Nuria Lorenzo Gutiérrez from Turismo de Tenerife

Despite the weather a large contingent of the Dublin travel trade and media turned out to meet these suppliers and learn about their products before enjoying some delicious food and some more of that lovely wine.

A big thank you and warm welcome to new Director, Laura Pena and her ever welcoming team of Kathryn and Zara.