Do Something Different & British Airways DisneyWorld Fam
Graham, Tara and Karl host trade partners in Orlando with Mickey and Minnie.
#Travelbizconnect #Traveltradetogether #Dosomethingdifferent #Waltdisneyworld #Britishairways
Graham Hennessy (Do Something Different) Tara Magee (British Airways) and Karl Moen from Disney Destinations are just home from hosting Irish travel agents on a magical trip around Walt Disney World Orlando.
Mickey Mouse loves the holiday season and knows the best way to make it even more special is to share it with friends and he invited Do Something Different to bring some of their friends from the Irish travel trade to enjoy the merriest festive party. Mickey and the gang were dressed in their best festival attire to welcome the Irish travel trade to Mickey’s Very Merry Christmas Party. The group travelled out in style on British Airways in World Traveller Plus and return in the Award Winning, Clubworld cabin.